European Keto Live Centre

Information & Training Centre 
Association for

Ketogenic Metabolic Therapies 

Our Mission 

is to spread the word about Ketogenic Metabolic Therapies

To inform  & educate about the power of food, the connection between our diet, Insulin Resistance, our metabolic health and our Immune system. The scientifically proven  & medical sound use of Metabolic & Ketogenic Therapies as a powerful medical tool to prevent & treat Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD)

We Unite to Prevent & Fight NCD

Non-Communicable Diseases like

  • Obesity
  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Neurological & Neuropsychiatric Disorders 

we Inform & Educate

We connect Experts, Scientists, Physicians and Practitioners to provide science-based,  & medical sound information like  

  • CME certified Continuous Medical Education for physicians & 
  • CPD certified Continuous Professional Development for dietitians, nutritionists & healthcare professionals 
  • For many European Countries, the USA & Canada 

We create:

  • Live events, conferences, and seminars 
  • E-Learning Programs
  • Education programs for schools & universities
  • Handouts and books for physicians, nutritionists, health coaches, hospitals, nursing care facilities, caregivers, health insurers, politicians, and other health influencers 

Join us

1. Join us in the fight against Non-Communicable Diseases. 

2. Register for our CME/CPD certified live and E-Learning Conferences.

3. Recommend the events to your friends, medical supervisors, advisors, and the representatives of your health insurance companies. 

4. Become a member, partner, promoter, or sponsor 

KETO LIVE® NETWORK MEETING 2024 ZÜRICH, Switzerland 22nd & 23RD of November

We Need Your Help - TO Research, INFORM & TEACH MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, PATIENTS, Parents, Children, Teachers, & Politicians About THE POWER of FOOD & Metabolic & Ketogenic Therapies As a Medical Tool TO PREVENT & TREAT NCD!


EKLC - The Non-Profit European Keto Live Centre  Association for Ketogenic Metabolic Therapies 

Keto Live Project e.V.  - VR meine Volksbank Raiffeisenbank e.G.
IBAN:DE25  7116  0000  0002  4293  57   BIC:GENODEV1VRR

SAKMT - The Non-Profit SWISS Association for Ketogenic Metabolic Therapies 

Swiss Association for KMT - Kantonalbank Graubünden  
IBAN: CH47 0077 4010 4656 7270 0  BIC:GRKBCH2270A 

JOIN US AT THE European Keto Live Centre


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